Loyalty to family at any cost is a broken model. This is a new generation of adult children. This book is a poignant look at the tragedy of untreated trauma passed down from generation to generation, and the adult children who are taking a stand to break the cycle.
The face of trauma, and secondary emotional/mental illness is not what you think.
Being written out of your child’s life is not a legacy any parent wants to leave. Yet, it’s so common today. Many adult children are on the brink of disengaging if they haven’t done so already.
Many estranged parents suffer in silent remorse with little support or understanding. The judgment in this space is real. As parents of estranged children, we are often told they will eventually come around, or we find reasons to stay in our anger, hurt, and victimhood. Neither thought process allows for true healing.
It's time to start talking about this tragic circumstance that generations have swept under their rugs, and into the recesses of their minds, while families are still intact. This book is my journey of healing, from my own traumatic past, my struggle with depression and suppressed rage, and the realization that I paid my own wounds forward.
Many people are unaware that their past dictated much of their present. Or, that even IF they had little to do with their child choosing to break ties, that perhaps their child needed attention during younger, formative years. I would love to share my story with you.
With love and light,
“Bella” ❤️